Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is the University of Evansville implementing a tobacco-free policy?
The University is going tobacco-free in the interest of ensuring a safe and healthy working and learning environment for students, employees, and guests. Research findings show that the use of tobacco products constitutes a significant health hazard. According to national data collected from the Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, nearly 1,050 college or university campuses in the US have already adopted 100 percent tobacco-free campus policies as of May 1, 2015.
- What are the elements of the campus tobacco-free policy?
- The use of all tobacco products and electronic smoking devices is prohibited at school sanctioned and/or sponsored activities or functions on campus. The use of these products and devices is also prohibited in all University buildings, residential housing, approved University housing, rental properties, grounds, athletic facilities, parking lots, University owned or leased vehicles, and privately owned vehicles on University grounds.
- Tobacco use on University property is not permitted for educational or theatrical purposes.
- The sale, marketing, and sampling of commercial tobacco products and any and all electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as e-cigarettes, is prohibited in all University buildings, facilities, and grounds.
- Littering the campus with remains of tobacco products is prohibited.
The policy will be effective August 1, 2015. For the complete copy of the Tobacco-Free Policy, click on this PDF document.
- Who is affected by the policy?
It applies to everyone who comes to campus. All students, faculty, staff, vendors, and visitors must abide by this policy.
- Can I use any tobacco products or e-cigarettes anywhere on the University of Evansville campus?
No. This policy applies to all buildings and grounds on the campus. Tobacco-use and e-cigarette use is prohibited in all University buildings, residential housing, approved University housing, rental properties, grounds, athletic facilities, parking lots, University owned or leased vehicles, and privately owned vehicles on University grounds.
- Does this policy apply to city owned streets, sidewalks, or right-of-ways?
No. The University of Evansville has no jurisdiction over the use of city owned streets, sidewalks, and right-of-ways. However, we encourage students, staff, and guests to be considerate of our neighbors immediately adjacent to campus.
- Is it ok if I just use smokeless tobacco?
No. The use of smokeless tobacco including chew, dip, or other forms are prohibited on campus.
- Is tobacco use or the use of e-cigarettes allowed in student housing?
No. Tobacco use or the use of e-cigarettes will not be allowed in any University residence hall, Village properties, or Greek housing, as well as any adjacent grounds or parking areas.
- Can visitors use tobacco products or e-cigarettes on our campus?
No. Visitors may not use tobacco products or e-cigarettes on University property.
- How will people know that the University of Evansville is a Tobacco-Free Campus?
Signage indicating that the University is a tobacco-free campus will be posted in all building entrances and exits, within parking areas, and at key points across campus.
- How will the policy be enforced?
The success of this policy relies on the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of smokers and nonsmokers. All members of the University community share responsibility for adhering to and enforcing the policy and for bringing it to the attention of visitors. See our Community Approach page for more information.
Community members who do not feel comfortable approaching someone violating the policy should contact the administrator in charge of the nearest building or a security officer. This should also be done in the case of non-compliance.
Community members who wish to report abuse of this policy in an online format or in a confidential, anonymous manner can Report a Concern.
- What is the jurisdiction for dealing with violations of this policy?
- Faculty – Violations are handled through the appropriate supervisor, Office of Academic Affairs, and/or Office of Human Resources.
- Staff – Violations are handled through the appropriate supervisor, department head, and/or Office of Human Resources.
- Students – Violations are referred to the Office of the Dean of Students. Violations within residential student housing are handled through the Office of Residence Life.
- Vendors and tenants – Violations are handled through the corresponding liaison office.
- Visitors – Violations related to visitors are handled through the sponsoring office or organization.
- What should managers and supervisors do if an employee violates the policy?
When violations of this campus policy occur, the appropriate supervisor or office will address the situation as part of the progressive discipline process. For assistance and suggestions on addressing violations, supervisors should refer to Talking Tips for Supervisors.
- Do I have to quit using tobacco products or e-cigarettes?
The University cannot compel you to quit, but if you are interested in quitting, a number of resources are available to help you. These are located on our Resources page.
Office Phone
1-833-BeAnAce (1-833-232-6223)
Office Email
Office Location
1800 Lincoln Ave. Evansville Indiana 47722