Dietary Services

Dietary Services

Starting college is an exciting, yet nerve racking time. We understand having to worry about food restrictions or finding the foods you want with a food allergy or special diet (all in a new environment) can just add to the stress of both students and parents. We are here to help!

Our regular menus may be viewed at the links below:

  • Weekly Menus and Nutrition Information on the Chartwells Dining website.
  • Download our Dining App for menu and nutrition info at your fingertips. To download search for "dineoncampus" in the app store.

If you have questions regarding available options, ingredients, or cooking methods, it is important that you ask a member of the management or chef's team. We are happy to build custom meals based on your needs. Please visit the Chartwells website for more info on Food Allergy Management.

Dietary Requirements

If you have an allergy or special dietary needs, we encourage you to schedule a meeting with the dining team prior to the start of the semester. It can help to meet with the dining team to address any questions or concerns. Together we can develop a plan to fit your dining needs.

Students who have dietary needs or food allergies may request reasonable accommodations related to their meal plan. To do so, please complete a Request for Dietary Accommodation Form. Reasonable efforts will be made to build dietary accommodation plans that are nutritionally comparable to the food choices offered to other students. Request forms and supporting documentation should be forwarded to the coordinator of disability services. This documentation will be reviewed jointly by Disability Services, Residence Life, and Chartwells Dining Services. A follow-up meeting may be scheduled to discuss specific needs and establish a plan. Due to the severity of some allergic reactions, it may be necessary to inform appropriate staff of dietary restrictions.

Sack Lunches and Sick Trays

Students who have an academic or work conflict with meal times in The Eatery can order a sack lunch from Chartwells with at least 24 hours notice.

Sick trays also are available for students who are confined to their rooms by illness. Please order your sick tray online.

Ingredient Information

View our menus for nutrition and ingredient information. Please reach out to the dining team with any questions. (links will be live soon)