Databases by Name

Most-Popular Databases

Alphabetical List of Databases

Databases starting with A

Partial Full-text Academic Search Complete

Archaeology, Art, Biology, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Cognitive Science, Communication, Creative Writing, Criminal Justice , Education, English, Environmental Science, Ethics and Philosophy, Exercise Science, Foreign Languages and Cultures, Health Services Administration, History, International Studies, Legal Studies, Logistics and Supply Chain Management , Management, Marketing, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Music, Nurse Anesthetics, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health , Race and Ethnicity , Religion/Pre-Ministry, Sociology, Statistics , Theatre

A comprehensive academic index and full-text database which provides full text for over 8,000 ejournals covering the social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, education, and many other academic disciplines.

Full-text AccessMedicine

Nurse Anesthetics, Physician Assistant

AccessMedicine provides medical students with instant access to videos, self-assessments, and leading medical textbooks that facilitate decision-making at the point-of-care. The site also contains diagnostic tests and tools, an extensive multimedia library, practice guidelines, an integrated drug database and much more.

Full-text AccessPhysiotherapy

Athletic Training, Physical Therapy

AccessPhysiotherapy provides PT students with instant access to procedure and exercise videos, self-assessment tools, image galleries, leading physical therapy textbooks and a unique cadaver dissection tool.  This important information provides a foundation for learning, and allows physical therapists to brush up on their knowledge or access quick answers as the need arises.

Full-text Advertising Periodicals, 1815-1888

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This archival collection features periodicals that were primarily used as advertising vehicles for businesses and industries, including medicine, fashion, business, industry, agriculture, and others.

Full-text African American Historical Serials Collection

Historical Periodicals and Archives

African American Historical Serials Collection features 173 periodicals covering 1816 to 1922. Besides newspapers and magazines, this collection includes reports and annual from various African American organizations like churches and educational/service institutions.

Full-text Agricultural Periodicals from the Northeastern US, 1789-1879

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection focuses on publications about farming-related activities in the 19th century. focusing on northeastern conditions and how populations adapted to the particular climates and soil conditions of the area. Topics include architectural plans for farmhouses and outbuildings, recipes and advice for farm women, instructions for performing one's own medical and veterinary treatments, reports from agricultural fairs, and more.

Full-text Agricultural Periodicals from the Southern, Midwestern, and Western US, 1800-1878

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection of historic publications contains journals and magazines published in the South, Midwest and West during the 19th century.  The titles focus on agriculture and its day-to-day concerns and include advertisements and the "latest" technological and agricultural developments.

Full-text Alternative Faith and Philosophy Periodicals, 1789-1878

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Alternative Faith and Philosophy Periodicals, 1789-1878 collection is focused on titles that reflect this spiritual seeking as it was expressed in alternative forms of worship and belief. Subjects include Spiritualism, Universalism, astrology, communes, free thought, and rationalism.

Full-text Alternative Medicine and Health Periodicals, 1810-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

Containing more than 180 periodicals dedicated to the concept of healthy living and alternative medicine, this collection represents a variety of alternative health options chronicled in the publications of the time, exploring such movements as electrology, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, magnetism, phrenology, and Thomsonian medicine.

Full-text American Chemical Society Journals

Chemistry, Environmental Science

Access to current, fulltext articles published in 29 ACS journals. Basic and advanced search engines are available.

Full-text American Civil War Periodicals, 1855-1868

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This full-text chronicle of the American Civil War consists of periodicals that span the immediate years before the Civil War to the beginnings of Reconstruction from various perspectives.  Additionally, this collection contains a number of abolitionist and secessionist titles that led up to the war as well as a record of veterans' remembrances afterwards. 

Full-text American Literary Periodicals, 1782-1834


This collection depicts the burgeoning American literary movement and encapsulates the higher forms of literature and literary criticism. These periodicals and the authors who contributed to them catalyzed distinctly American literary movements that marked a sharp break from European literary traditions. 

Full-text American Literary Periodicals, 1835-1858

Historical Periodicals and Archives , Literature

This collection depicts the burgeoning American literary movement and encapsulates the higher forms of literature and literary criticism. These periodicals and the authors who contributed to them catalyzed distinctly American literary movements that marked a sharp break from European literary traditions.

Full-text American Literary Periodicals, 1859-1891


This collection depicts the burgeoning American literary movement and encapsulates the higher forms of literature and literary criticism. These periodicals and the authors who contributed to them catalyzed distinctly American literary movements that marked a sharp break from European literary traditions.

Full-text American Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry Periodicals, 1786-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection provides a snapshot of the best medical thinking of the time. It contains publications focused on professional medical thought, including dental practice, during the 19th century.

Full-text American Political and Social Movements Periodicals, 1815-1884

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection chronicles the prevailing social, religious, political and benevolent movements of 1815-1884. It represents a wide variety of publications that range across many points of view, including those of anarchists, communists, workingmen, immigrants, women, and more.

Full-text American Political Periodicals, 1715-1891

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection provides a chronicle of the key political issues and movements of the 18th and 19th centuries for early American politics. These periodicals cover a range of political affiliations, from Republicans to radicals, and Confederates to communists.

Full-text Annual Review of Biochemistry


The Annual Review of Biochemistry is published by a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature of those subjects.

Full-text Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics

Biology, Environmental Science

The Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics is published by a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature of those subjects.

Full-text Annual Review of Environment and Resources

Environmental Science

The Annual Review of Environment and Resources will be a useful resource for researchers and practitioners working on nature-society interactions and for faculty and students presently using textbooks in environmental science and policy. It will update and provide the most recent take on many of the same issues covered more generally in such texts and provide key background information at the intersections of science and policy

Full-text Annual Review of Immunology


The Annual Review of Immunology is published by a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature of immunology.

Full-text Annual Review of Plant Biology


The Annual Review of Plant Biology is published by a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature of plant biology. It was formerly called the Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology.

Full-text Annual Review of Psychology

Cognitive Science, Psychology

The Annual Review of Psychology is published by a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature of psychology.

Full-text Annual Review of Sociology


The Annual Review of Sociology is published by a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature of sociology.

Partial Full-text Applied Science & Technology Source

Biology, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Science, Mechanical Engineering, Physics

Applied Science & Technology Source offers extensive coverage of research and development within a wide variety of applied science and computing disciplines, including aeronautics, nuclear engineering, and neural networks. The database offers full text for almost 1,200 journals, citations to millions of articles. The scope of the database incorporates not only traditional engineering research, but also research concerning the business and social implications of new technologies.

Full-text Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940 Part 1

Historical Periodicals and Archives

With material drawn from hundreds of national and international institutions and organizations, the Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940 present important aspects of the LGBTQ community as well as individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions, political orientations, and locations. The archive includes gay and lesbian newspapers from more than 35 countries, reports, policy statements, and other documents related to gay rights and health, including the worldwide impact of AIDS, materials tracing LGBTQ activism in Britain from 1950 through 1980, and more.

Partial Full-text Art & Architecture Complete

Archaeology, Art

Art & Architecture Complete is a comprehensive bibliographic database that provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 730 academic journals, magazines and trade publications with full text for over 330 periodicals and 215 books, as well as selective coverage for over 70 publications, and an Image Collection of over 64,000 images provided by Picture Desk and others. The database has been designed for use by a diverse audience that includes art scholars, artists, designers, college students, and general viewers. Subjects covered include art, antiques, archaeology, architecture and architectural history, art history, decorative arts, painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, costume design, sculpture, interior and landscape design, graphic arts, and much more.
Art & Architecture Complete Database Coverage List

Full-text Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1

Historical Periodicals and Archives

Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1 presents a digital collection of historical content pertaining to U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture.

Full-text Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 2

Historical Periodicals and Archives

Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 2 presents manuscript, book, and newspaper content in the areas of Hispanic American civil rights, religion, and women’s rights ranging from the eighteenth through the twentieth century and offers over 250,000 pages of manuscript content, over 100 newspaper titles, and over 400 books.


Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics

Open access to e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics

Full-text ATLA Historical Monographs Collections - Series 1


Provides religious and theological literature from the late 13th century to 1922. Series 1 includes monographs prior to the 1893 World Parliament of Religions, while Series 2 covers 1893 through 1922. This resource is vital for scholars seeking to understand religious thought and practice, particularly in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The collection contains more than 29,000 titles and features over 50 languages, including German, Italian, and Spanish. Topics covered include church life, demographics, doctrinal disputes, higher criticism, Judeo-Christian religions, Non-Western religions, and social movements.

Full-text ATLA Historical Monographs Collections - Series 2


Provides religious and theological literature from the late 13th century to 1922. Series 1 includes monographs prior to the 1893 World Parliament of Religions, while Series 2 covers 1893 through 1922. This resource is vital for scholars seeking to understand religious thought and practice, particularly in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The collection contains more than 29,000 titles and features over 50 languages, including German, Italian, and Spanish. Topics covered include church life, demographics, doctrinal disputes, higher criticism, Judeo-Christian religions, Non-Western religions, and social movements.

Databases starting with B

Full-text Baptists, Quakers, and Independent Church Periodicals, 1797-1881

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Baptists, Quakers, and Independent Church Periodicals, 1797-1881 collection also contains periodicals representing smaller church communities such as the New Jerusalem Church, Quakers, Shakers, Mennonites, Moravians, Brethren, and Church of God – all of whom, like the Baptists, also established a strong presence in the United States.

Full-text Biography Reference Center

This database offers a collection of full-text biographies and unique narrative biographies. Including coverage for several of the most popular and heavily-researched biographies and genres, including those contained within Biography Today and Biography (both dating back to the first issue published). Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Partial Full-text Biological & Agricultural Index Plus


Biological & Agricultural Index Plus is a bibliographic database that indexes English-language periodicals published in the United States and elsewhere. The database includes abstracts and full text coverage for selected journals. Periodical coverage includes a wide range of scientific journals, from popular to professional, that pertain to biology and agriculture. About 45 percent of the focus is on agriculture. EBSCO Title Lists

Full-text Biomedical Reference Collection

Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Nursing

Designed for doctors, research scientists, students and clinical specialists, this medical database provides over 100 full-text journals, including full text for many peer-reviewed publications. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Full-text Britannica Online

Britannica Online is the electronic equivalent of Encyclopædia Britannica. It consists of a fully searchable and browsable collection of authoritative references, including Britannica's latest article database, hundreds of articles not found in the print Britannica, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (Tenth Edition), the Britannica Book of the Year, and thousands of links to other World Wide Web sites selected by the Britannica staff.

Full-text Business and General Education Periodicals, 1800-1885

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection focuses on the long and rich history of business and education in the United Sates. The informative periodicals reflect a broad range of evolving educational methods and encompass many classroom environments.

Partial Full-text Business Source Complete

Accounting, Business, Economics, Finance, Health Services Administration, Legal Studies, Logistics and Supply Chain Management , Management, Marketing

An excellent business databases from Ebsco accessed via INSPIRE. Complete offers full text for nearly 1,380 scholarly business journals covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business and much more. Business Source Complete contains periodicals ranging from Business Week, Forbes, Fortune and American Banker to journals such as Harvard Business Review, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review, and many more.

Full-text Business, Industrial and Professional Periodicals, 1774-1858

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Business, Industrial and Professional Periodicals, 1774-1858 collection includes 288 titles and 287,861 pages representing journals and magazines devoted to specific trades and professions, as well as those promoting the interests of large industries, such as the railroads and the growing financial sector.

Full-text Business, Industrial and Professional Periodicals, 1859-1870

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection represents the subjects of business and industry, broadly defined, between the years 1859 and 1870. The publications include journals devoted to specific trades and professions.

Full-text Business, Industrial and Professional Periodicals, 1871-1901

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection chronicles the large-scale shifts in commerce during the second industrial revolution's solidification of capitalism, mass production, and industrialization. The publications include journals devoted to specific trades, professions and industries, which provide insight to many particular business subjects within these fields.

Databases starting with C

Full-text Canadian Periodicals, 1790-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Canadian Periodicals, 1790-1877 collection includes 87 titles and 64,163 pages of content that represent a broad range of subjects, including tourism, education, literature, the law, religion, and even stamp collecting. Titles are in English and French, and were published in major Canadian cultural centers.

Full-text Cancer

Salem Health: Cancer is the online version of their four-volume set which covers more than 800 topics of crucial interest to students, patients, caregivers, and others who have received a diagnosis or are associated with those who have cancer. Salem Health: Cancer is part of the Salem Press’ Reference Shelf.

Full-text Case Files Collection – Access Medicine

Physician Assistant

This comprehensive case collection helps students learn and apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts in the context of realistic patient cases with the goal of improving learning outcomes. The collection features the complete collection of basic science, clinical medicine, and post-graduate level cases from 23 Case Files® series books in an interactive format that has personalized functionality.

Full-text Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, and Episcopal Periodicals, 1797-1904

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This archival collection focuses on the roots and common elements of worship among Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists and Episcopalians in the New World, with accounts from local church publications, diocesan newspapers, fair periodicals, reports from denominational conferences, and many other titles.

Full-text Chronicle of Higher Education


Keep current on trends and information in academe with CHE.  The databases goes back to May 1989, is fully searchable and users can set up job alerts.  Off-campus users will need to create a Chronicle account.

Partial Full-text CINAHL Plus with Full Text

Nurse Anesthetics, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Public Health

CINAHL® Plus with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive nursing & allied health research database, providing full text for more than 530 journals indexed in CINAHL. Of those, 249 are not found with full text in any version of Academic Search™, Health Source® or Nursing & Allied Health Collection™. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index - with no embargo. The database also provides full text for 217 books/monographs.

Full-text Civil War Primary Source Documents

Historical Periodicals and Archives

Civil War Primary Source Documents collection, drawn from the holdings of the New-York Historical Society, is comprised of over 110,000 pages from over 400 individual collections, and focuses on the War as it was fought from both Northern and Southern perspectives.

Full-text Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism


Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, accessed via Gale's Literature Criticism Online, this series excerpts criticism on the works of philosophers, poets and playwrights, political leaders, scientists and writers from other genres. Simply enter an author or title and find a wealth of content, while experienced researchers may broaden or narrow their results via cross-searches on names of critics, journal titles, topics and more. UE's current subscription does NOT include the backfiles at this time; only volumes published since July 2010.

Partial Full-text Cochrane Library

Nurse Anesthetics, Nursing, Physician Assistant

Cochrane Library is a partial full-text database that provides literature reviews for medical professionals and is designed to enhance healthcare knowledge and decision-making.

Full-text College and Student Periodicals, 1806-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

A wide range of colleges and trade school publications are explored in this collection, which includes student titles from all over the country and provides a broad view of the events, humor, and lifestyle of campuses around the country.

Full-text Columbia Gazetteer of the World

A gazetteer is a dictionary of geographic terms and the Columbia Gazetteer is a gem. Major categories are the political world (countries, provinces, regions, etc.), the physical world (gulfs, valleys, mountains, etc.), and special places (airports, military bases, parks, etc.).

Full-text Commercial Periodicals from the Southern US, 1811-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection is comprised of periodicals published in the South during the 19th century, in particular those focused on commercial and business concerns, broadly defined. Here, researchers will find publications devoted to agriculture, banks and banking, business and industry, technology, railroads, and advertising, among other subjects.

Partial Full-text Communication & Mass Media Complete


Communication & Mass Media Complete provides the most robust, quality research solution in areas related to communication and mass media. CMMC incorporates the content of CommSearch (formerly produced by the National Communication Association) and Mass Media Articles Index (formerly produced by Penn State) along with numerous other journals in communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study to create a research and reference resource of unprecedented scope and depth encompassing the breadth of the communication discipline. CMMC offers cover-to-cover ("core") indexing and abstracts for more than 570 journals, and selected ("priority") coverage of nearly 200 more, for a combined coverage of more than 770 titles. Furthermore, this database includes full text for over 450 journals. Many major journals have indexing, abstracts, PDFs and searchable cited references from their first issues to the present (dating as far back as 1915). In addition, CMMC features over 5,400 Author Profiles, providing biographical data and bibliographic information, and covering the most prolific, most cited, and most frequently searched for authors in the database.

Full-text Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography


This 26 volume reference source contains biographies of mathematicians and natural scientists from all countries and from all historical periods. It presents an accurate and reliable narrative of the development of science, not as a mere accumulation of technical information but as the collective accomplishment that has ordered our understanding of nature.

Full-text Congregational, Presbyterian, and Reformed Church Periodicals, 1803-1902

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Congregational, Presbyterian, and Reformed Church Periodicals, 1803-1902 collection features a range of periodicals devoted to Congregationalism and provides insight into the distinct Protestant ecclesial communities that thrived in America through their participation in the activities of Congregational, Presbyterian, and Reformed churches.

Full-text CQ Press Library


CQ Press Library integrates many of their acclaimed reference titles on government and politics like Washington Information DirectoryVital Statistics on American Politics 2005-2006CQ's Politics in America 2006Historic Documents Series 1972-2005, and much more.

Partial Full-text Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text

Criminal Justice , Sociology

This resource includes bibliographic records and full text covering essential areas related to criminal justice and criminology. The increasing globalization of criminology is reflected in Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text's coverage of hundreds of journals from around the world. Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text contains more than 300,000 records selected from the most important sources within the discipline. This resource includes full text for more than 200 magazines and journals as well full text books & monographs.

Full-text Cultural Periodicals from the Southern US, 1797-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Cultural Periodicals from the Southern U.S., 1797-1877 collection includes publications devoted to education, literature, women’s interests, philanthropic and benevolent endeavors, temperance advocacy, Masonic activities, general social movements, and more.

Full-text Current Events and History Periodicals, 1691-1912

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection consists primarily of publications chronicling the notable events of the 17th-20th centuries. These 160 periodicals include regular reports on economics and government affairs as well as local news and interests.

Databases starting with D

Full-text Decades Series - (Salem History)

Historical Periodicals and Archives , History

Salem Press publishes this critically acclaimed series which delves into the history of each decade: The Fifties in America, The Sixties in America, The Seventies in America, The Eighties in America and The Nineties in America. Though it isn't limited to just HISTORY! You can find information about hairstyles, pop cultures, social events, movies, music and much more in this database. The Decades series is part of the Salem Press’ Reference Shelf.

Full-text Drama Criticism

Literature , Theatre

Drama Criticism, accessed via Gale's Literature Criticism Online, is designed to provide easy access to criticisms and commentary. Simply enter an author or title and find a wealth of content, while experienced researchers may broaden or narrow their results via cross-searches on names of critics, journal titles, topics and more.

Full-text Drama Online

Literature , Theatre

Drama Online offers expert guidance in the form of scholarly notes, annotated texts, critical analysis and contextual information making this an essential study tool. Critical interpretations, theatre history surveys and major reference works on authors, movements, practitioners, periods and genres are included alongside performance and practitioner texts, acting and backstage guides. Besides the core collection, UEL subscribes to these individual collections: Aurora Metro, Nick Hern BooksPlaywright Canada PressDonmar Shakespeare Trilogy on ScreenNational Theatre Live BroadcastsShakespeare’s Globe on Screen 1 and 2, and TCG Books Play Collection.

Full-text Drama, Humor, and Fine Arts Periodicals, 1764-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

Containing 244 titles and 44,125 pages of rich historical content, this important collection provides full-text coverage of the arts ranging from general arts, photography and theater, to wit and humor.

Databases starting with E

Catalog EBSCOhost Academic eBook Collection

Archaeology, Biology, Business, Economics, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Nursing

Subject collections available through this site include: Anthropology & Archaeology; Biology & Life Sciences; Emerging Markets/Global Economics; Environment & Sustainability; International Business; Math & Statistics; and Nursing.

Full-text Eighteenth Century Collections Online

Historical Periodicals and Archives , Literature , Religion/Pre-Ministry

This collection if based on the English Short Title Catalogue bibliography that contains over 180,000 titles and includes the full text of books, pamphlets, essays, broadsides, etc. published in the UK during the 18th century.  ECCO is divided into seven general subject modules: History and Geography; Social Sciences and Fine Arts; Medicine; Science, and Technology; Literature and Language; Religion and Philosophy; Law and Reference.

Full-text Emerging American Religions, 1821-1895

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Emerging American Religions, 1821-1895 collection features important periodicals devoted to Adventists, Mormons, Disciples of Christ, Holiness/Pentecostals, Millennialists, and Unitarians, among others. Subjects include camp meetings, health and wellness, apologetics, and theology.

Full-text Entrepreneurial Studies Source

Finance, Marketing

A tool for business students and researchers, providing the latest insight on topics relevant to entrepreneurship and small businesses. It offers full text for business journals, magazines and reference books, as well as case studies and company profiles. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Partial Full-text ERIC


This is the most comprehensive database of journal articles and documents dealing with the  field of education.  Most of the documents are full text from 1966 to the present and many of the cited journals are linked full text through the EBSCO suite of interconnected databases.

Indexes Essay and General Literature Index

Creative Writing, Ethics and Philosophy, Foreign Languages and Cultures, Literature

Coverage spans the entire range of the humanities and social sciences. Approximately 300 single and multi-authored volumes are indexed annually, plus more than 20 selected annuals and serial publications. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Databases starting with F

Full-text Fireside Companions and Family Literature Periodicals, 1805-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives , Literature

Drawn from a rich tradition of family and children’s literature, this collection focuses on courtship, marriage and child-rearing by emphasizing moral, wholesome, family living.

Full-text Flipster

Archaeology, Communication, Literature , Theatre

Instant access to current issues of the following magazines: New Statesman, Popular Science, American Theatre and Education Digest.  Download the app for iPhone or Android for convenience reading on the go.

Full-text Foreign Language Periodicals in America, 1684-1904

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Foreign Language Periodicals in America, 1684-1904 collection includes over 240 titles and more than 132,000 pages of rich historical content from works published in the United States, France, Canada, England, Germany, Mexico and others. Publication languages include French, Spanish, Norwegian, German, Swedish and Welsh and address subjects such as religion, literature, and politics, and both speak to and reflect the interests and concerns of the immigrant and ethnic communities of the time.

Indexes Frick Art Reference Library Periodicals Index

Frick Art Reference Library Periodicals Index is an INDEX-ONLY database that presents citations from prominent art history periodicals covering 1850-1969.

Partial Full-text Fuente Académica Premier

Foreign Languages and Cultures

Spanish language scholarly journal. A source for academic research, providing key coverage of major subject areas. Fuente Académica provides researchers with a collection of scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, designed to make academic research readily available in PDF format. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Databases starting with G

Full-text Gale Literature Criticism


Contemporary Literary Criticisms, accessed via Gale's Literature Criticism Online, is designed to provide easy access to criticisms and commentary. Simply enter an author or title and find a wealth of content, while experienced researchers may broaden or narrow their results via cross-searches on names of critics, journal titles, topics and more.

Full-text Gale Primary Sources

Historical Periodicals and Archives , Literature

An integrated research experience, Gale Primary Sources unifies extensive digital archives and enables researchers to make never-before-possible research connections and combines dozens of historical archives covering hundreds of years of history. In this exhaustive resource you will find monographs, manuscripts, newspapers, maps, and photographs.

Full-text Gateway to North America: The People, Places, & Organizations of 19th Century New York

Historical Periodicals and Archives

During the “Long 19th Century,” New York City was the focal point in North America for industry, trade, commerce and immigration. Gateway to North America is a unique collection of historical directories, member lists and other name-rich sources from the New-York Historical Society, and features materials that track individuals and organizations over time and place. The database contains over 800,000 pages of content from over 1,500 print and manuscript directories, member lists, travel guides and other sources, chronicling the people and organizations of New York City from the late 18th through the early 20th century.

Full-text General Interest Christian Periodicals, 1743-1889

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The General Interest Christian Periodicals, 1743-1889 collection includes titles that address general treatments of Christianity which appealed to a broad audience, driven by the various Christian communities and churches that were emerging from 1743-1889. This collection also features a significant number of titles devoted to sermons from various groups.

Indexes with Abstracts GreenFILE

Biology, Environmental Science

GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done at each level to minimize these effects. Multidisciplinary by nature, GreenFILE draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for approximately 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records.

Databases starting with H

Full-text Health Business FullTEXT

Business, Economics, Finance, Health Services Administration, Management, Marketing

This Ebsco database provides full text coverage of 130 well-known administrative journals such as H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks, Health Management Technology, Modern Healthcare, and many others. Critical for hospital administrators and managers, it includes publications covering topics such as staffing, health care regulation, health care facilities management, marketing, finance and more.

Partial Full-text Health Source Plus: Consumer Edition

Nursing, Physical Therapy

With Health Source: Consumer Edition you can search for information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. Health Source: Consumer Edition features searchable full text for nearly 165 journals including Consumer Reports on Health and Men's Health, as well as abstracts and indexing for nearly 180 general health, nutrition and professional health care publications.

Partial Full-text Health Source Plus: Nursing/Academic Edition

Exercise Science, Neuroscience, Nursing, Physical Therapy

Provides full text of over 520 professional health periodicals, indexing and abstracting for hundreds more, and also lay patient information and Stedman's Medical Dictionary.

Full-text HeinOnline

Communication, Criminal Justice , Legal Studies, Political Science

HeinOnline is an online legal database containing historical and government documents, law reviews, the Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, treaties, international constitutions, world trials and much more.

Full-text Hobbies, Socialization, and Sport Periodicals, 1775-1889

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Hobbies, Socialization, and Sport Periodicals, 1775-1889 collection includes periodicals that cover a wide range of leisure activities that Americans participated in during this time period. Capturing the many pursuits that 19th-century Americans enjoyed in their spare time, this collection includes periodicals dedicated to fairs and bazaars, public lectures, sporting events, hobbies, and more.

Full-text Humanities Full Text

Archaeology, Creative Writing, English, Ethics and Philosophy, Foreign Languages and Cultures, History, Literature , Race and Ethnicity , Religion/Pre-Ministry

This database provides full text, abstracts and bibliographic indexing of the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities, as well as specialized magazines. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Databases starting with I

Full-text Indiana Memory

Historical Periodicals and Archives

Indiana Memory is a collaborative effort to provide access to the wealth of primary sources in Indiana libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions. It is a gateway to Indiana's history and culture found in digitized books, manuscripts, photographs, newspapers, maps, and other media. As a portal to the collections, Indiana Memory assists individuals to locate materials relevant to their interests and to better appreciate the connections between those materials. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.


All across Indiana, Hoosiers are finding information using this resource. INSPIRE is a suite of databases which provides access to thousands of journal articles. One can find journal articles on business, education, medicine, science, current events, politics, literature, art, music and hundreds of other topics. Some of the databases are Academic Search, Business Source, ERIC, Health Source, and Medline.

Partial Full-text International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance with Full Text


A research tool for theatre and dance studies. In addition to all the comprehensive indexing of the International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance (IBTD), it contains full text for the top performing arts journals.

Databases starting with J

Full-text JSTOR

Accounting, Archaeology, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Cognitive Science, Communication, Creative Writing, Criminal Justice , Education, English, Environmental Science, Ethics and Philosophy, Finance, Foreign Languages and Cultures, History, International Studies, Legal Studies, Literature , Logistics and Supply Chain Management , Management, Marketing, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Political Science, Psychology, Race and Ethnicity , Religion/Pre-Ministry, Sociology, Statistics , Theatre

This database contains the back files of core journals in many academic disciplines. Journal coverage usually begins with the first volume published and continues until the last three or five years, or until the journal ceased or changed its title. All of the articles are full text and appear exactly as they did in print. UE subscribes to all collections.

Databases starting with K

Catalog Kanopy

Kanopy is an educational streaming service that offers access to thousands of movies and documentaries for educational purposes.  Login is required.  Film purchases are moderated by librarians and available for viewing soon thereafter.  Kanopy has apps available for Roku, Amazon, android and IOS. 

Databases starting with L

Full-text Literary Periodicals of New England, 1789-1878

Historical Periodicals and Archives , Literature

Focusing on the early, home-grown literary tradition, this collection represents literary journals published in the cities and towns of the Northeast outside of Boston. This collection emphasizes small publications from the remote places that comprised the backbone of the Northeastern region from 1789-1878.

Full-text Literary Reference Center Plus

English, Literature

A full-text database providing information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. It gives students, teachers and librarians a complete foundation of literary reference works to meet any and all of their research or instructional needs. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Databases starting with M

Full-text Magill's Literary Annuals


Magill's Literary Annuals provide essay-reviews of 200 outstanding books published in the United States during the previous year. Coverage is from 1977 until 2010. Magill’s Literary Annual is part of the Salem Press’ Reference Shelf.

Full-text MagillOnLiterature Plus

Literature , Theatre

Produced by Salem Press, MagillOnLiterature Plus combines all of the quality content of both MagillOnLiterature and MagillOnAuthors in a fully integrated and enhanced single database. It is a source for editorially reviewed critical analyses, character studies, author biographies and plot summaries of the most studied literary works. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Full-text Making of America (Cornell University)

Historical Periodicals and Archives , History

Making of America is a joint project of Cornell University and the University of Michigan. Each website provides a different digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology.

Full-text Masons, Odd-Fellows and Other Societal Periodicals, 1794-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection focuses on fraternal societies in the 19th century—primarily the Masons, but also the Odd Fellows and others. It chronicles how many 19th-century Americans, primarily men, organized themselves into various societies loosely based on ethnic, social, or political affiliation.

Partial Full-text MasterFILE Complete


Provides full text for nearly 1,960 periodicals covering nearly all subjects including general reference, business, health, and much more. Funded through the INSPIRE project.
EBSCO Search

Indexes with Abstracts MathSciNet

Mathematics, Statistics

MathSciNet is the searchable Web database providing access to over 59 years of Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications (from 1940 to the present). Mathematical Reviews provides timely reviews or summaries of articles and books that contain new contributions to mathematical research. The approximately 1600 current serials and journals reviewed in whole or in part are listed in the Abbreviations of Names of Serials which may be viewed in various formats. There are five focused searches and three browse tools to maximize the database's potential. Abbreviations of Names of Serials

Full-text MEDLINE

Athletic Training, Cognitive Science, Exercise Science, Health Services Administration, Neuroscience, Nurse Anesthetics, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Psychology, Public Health

Searches peer-reviewed journals and provides partial full text from linked EbscoHost databases and journal subscriptions.

Partial Full-text Military & Government Collection

History, International Studies, Political Science

The Military & Government Collection provides recently-expanded full text content--much of it from peer-reviewed and other scholarly journals including those covering areas of engineering, public affairs, public policy, international affairs and much more.

Full-text Military and Law Enforcement Periodicals, 1691-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Military and Law Enforcement Periodicals, 1691-1877 collection consists of 122 titles and 67,534 pages of historical political, government and military material. Content coverage includes official publications, general titles for soldiers and sailors, and publications devoted to military-related benevolent organizations and activities. It also includes periodicals dedicated to temperance and religious concerns, and a selection of periodicals pertaining to early law enforcement.

Full-text Missionary and Charity Periodicals, 1793-1902

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Missionary and Charity Periodicals, 1793-1902 collection includes publications for both foreign and domestic missions and represent outreach to many different groups that include African-Americans, Native Americans, women, the poor, immigrants, and specific ethnic groups. Subjects include slavery, home missions, hospital work, and social problems.

Indexes MLA

English, Foreign Languages and Cultures, Literature , Theatre

This is the Modern Language Association's international bibliography on literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore.

Full-text Musical Periodicals, 1781-1879

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection allows researchers to discover early America through popular music by gathering publications dedicated to various aspects of music, from the sacred to the secular, from the political to the comic.  Often including related content on the arts, literature, and sometimes science, these periodicals show music in a larger cultural context, as music was also an important leisure activity for families and communities.

Databases starting with N

Full-text Naxos Music Library


Naxos Music Library is the World’s largest Classical music listening service. The collection of over 140,000 tracks of music is continually growing. NML has simple and advanced searching, common (non-proprietary) software requirements, and extensive background information such as complete liner notes.

Full-text New York Times

Accounting, Art, Business, Civil Engineering, Communication, Computer Science and Engineering, Criminal Justice , Economics, Electrical Engineering, Finance, History, International Studies, Legal Studies, Logistics and Supply Chain Management , Management, Marketing, Mechanical Engineering, Political Science, Sociology, Theatre covers a variety of topics with unsurpassed quality and depth through breaking news articles, blogs, videos and interactive features. In addition, you will be able to share content on social networks, save articles of interest, subscribe to email newsletters and set up personalized alerts. Your access to is available from any location, on or off campus and covers from 1980 to today's edition.

Follow the instructions on this flyer to create a New York Times account that will allow you access to the newspaper across platforms. View the Troubleshooting Guide.

Full-text Newspaper Source Plus

Communication, International Studies, Legal Studies, Logistics and Supply Chain Management , Management, Marketing, Political Science

Provides 35 million full text articles from 860 U.S. and international newspapers, plus over 850,000 television and radio transcripts. Funded through the INSPIRE project. Newspaper Source Plus Database Coverage List

Full-text Newswires

Business, Communication

EBSCO's Newswires provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. This content is monitored by EBSCO and relevant results are provided when users enter searches in EBSCOhost. This collection includes AP Financial News, AP Top News, AP WorldStream, AP U.S. Politics & Government, AP 50 State Reports, UPI Security Industry, UPI Emerging Threats, UPI Business, UPI Entertainment, UPI Sports, UPI Top News, Arabia 2000, and more. End users can immediately access the full text of the web content, by following the link in the record. The index to the full text content in EBSCO Newswires is held for a rolling 30-day archive by EBSCO. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Databases starting with O

Full-text Oxford Art Online


This is the world's first comprehensive online art reference work covering all forms of visual art from prehistory to the 1990s.
Maximum Simultaneous Users: 5 (incl. Harlaxton)

Full-text Oxford English Dictionary


The Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books.

Full-text Oxford Music Online


The incomparable New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians in online form is the most current and comprehensive dictionary/encyclopedia of music in the English language.
Maximum Simultaneous Users: 3 (incl. Harlaxton)

Full-text Oxford Reference Online


Oxford Reference Online brings together language and subject reference works from one of the world's biggest reference publishers into a single cross-searchable resource. Subjects include Classics, Computing, Environment, Biology, Performing Arts, and many more.

Partial Full-text Oxford Scholarship Online

Economics, Ethics and Philosophy, Finance, Literature , Logistics and Supply Chain Management , Management, Race and Ethnicity , Religion/Pre-Ministry

Oxford Scholarship Online is an online library offering access to thousands of academic works from the celebrated scholarly list of Oxford University Press.  UEL provides access to a portion of OSO’s content: business, management, economics, finance, literature, philosophy, religion, sociology.  You can browse and search to your heart’s content or you can limit your search to sources UEL has access to.  Do this by narrowing a search to unlocked, free and open access content on the left sidebar.

Databases starting with P

Full-text Periodicals from Around the World, 1691-1880

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Periodicals from Around the World, 1691-1880 collection includes titles that were read by both American and international audiences and is comprised of titles with international interest, published within and outside of the United States, from 1691-1880. The titles represent the continued influence of colonialism on literature, fashions, and politics throughout the world.

Full-text Periodicals of the American West, 1779-1881

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection draws from the publications that created the literary and cultural traditions of the Young America and Manifest Destiny movements. Through a variety of periodicals, this collection provides scholars with a unique snapshot into the ideas that fueled America's westward expansion.

Full-text Periodicals of the British Empire and Its Colonies, 1702-1879

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection represents literature of the British Empire, specifically focusing on colonial North America. Many of the periodicals were printed in Europe, Canada or appear as publications reissued in America. As a whole, these titles provide scholars with a unique insight into the colonies' complex relationship with European home countries as they developed their own identity in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Partial Full-text Philosophers Index

Ethics and Philosophy, Race and Ethnicity , Religion/Pre-Ministry

This is the principal index to the literature of philosophy from 1940 to the present. PI does contain some full text articles.
Philosopher’s Information Center

Indexes Play Index

Creative Writing, Literature , Theatre

The online edition of the Play Index will make finding information about plays easier than ever. Since important classic and historical plays (e.g. the plays of Aeschylus and Euripides, Moliere’s works, Shakespeare’s dramas, works of George Bernard Shaw or Ibsen), are reprinted in collections and anthologies, you will find virtually any play being studied or performed. Additionally, links to the full text of plays available on the Web are included. This unique resource also covers the works of contemporary playwrights, including new editions or translations and provides the full publication details you need to locate the play. For plays published separately, the publisher, date, pagination, ISBN, and LC number are given. Plays in collections link to full bibliographic information.
Maximum Simultaneous Users: 1 (incl. Harlaxton)

Full-text Popular Educational Periodicals, 1758-1889

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection chronicles the roots of American higher education through the wave of lyceums, athenaeums, and universities that sprung up across the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries, as Americans began to educate themselves.   The titles in this collection draw heavily from these institutions and address the pursuit of the sciences, history and the arts.

Catalog Pragda Streaming Video

Foreign Languages and Cultures, Race and Ethnicity , Sociology

Specializing in the latest Latin American, Spanish, and Latinx cinema. Login and create an account using your UE email. Requests are sent to librarians and, if approved, are available for viewing shortly after.

Partial Full-text Professional Development Collection


Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of 520 high quality education journals, including nearly 350 peer-reviewed titles. This database also contains more than 200 educational reports. Professional Development Collection is the most comprehensive collection of full text education journals in the world.

Full-text PsycArticles

Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Psychology

PsycARTICLES is a definitive source of searchable full text articles on current issues in psychology. The PsycARTICLES database covers general psychology and specialized, basic, applied, clinical and theoretical research in psychology. The database contains more than 35,000 searchable full text articles from 41 journals published by the American Psychological Association and 8 from allied organizations. It contains all journal articles, letters to the editor and errata from each of the 49 journals. Coverage spans from 1988 to the present.

Full-text Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

Psychology, Sociology

This is a comprehensive database covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology and observational and experimental methods. This database offers full text from over 400 journals.  Access provided through INSPIRE.

Partial Full-text PsycInfo - 1872 to Present

Cognitive Science, Criminal Justice , Neuroscience, Psychology, Public Health , Race and Ethnicity

PsycInfo is the electronic counterpart of the long-established Psychological Abstracts bibliography. It regularly indexes and abstracts articles from 1,845 psychology journals--97% of them peer-reviewed. PsycINFO Journal Coverage List

Full-text Public Health Digital Archive

Public Health Issues delves into the history of the United States’ public health campaigns and programs beginning in the early twentieth century into current times. It provides insight into how public policy impacted health issues for all Americans, but especially marginalized populations such as immigrants and minority groups.  Part of Gale’s Case Studies.

Databases starting with R

Full-text Race and Civil Rights Digital Archive

Race and Civil Rights primary source case studies not only examine the classical phase of the civil rights movement—from 1954 to 1965—but also traces precedents from earlier decades and likewise charts the rise of Black Power politics. The project can be divided into three parts: the first three case studies consider the decades before the 1954 Brown Supreme Court decision that tore down the “separate but equal” mandate on which the system of segregation was based, beginning with the 1930s; the six middle case studies engage the classical period; and the final three case studies discuss the later years, stretching into the 1970s.  Part of Gale’s Case Studies.

Partial Full-text Regional Business News

Accounting, Business, Economics, Finance

Regional Business News currently contains abstracts for 67 regional business publications, with full text for 52 of those titles. This database contains the most recent 30 days of information from each of these wire sources. Available from Ebsco via INSPIRE.

Full-text Religion and Philosophy Collection

Ethics and Philosophy, Religion/Pre-Ministry

The Religion & Philosophy Collection provides extensive coverage of such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. This database contains more than 300 full text journals. Access provided through INSPIRE.

Full-text Religious Periodicals for Women, Children, and Families, 1804-1878

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Religious Periodicals for Women, Children, and Families, 1804-1878 collection presents important topics faced by families in the 19th Century, including motherhood and fatherhood, child rearing, music, prayer, children's literature, and religious formation. Broader social themes include anti-slavery, Universalism, and temperance.

Full-text Religious Periodicals from the Southern US, 1801-1904

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection contains periodicals published in the South during the 19th century which focused on spiritual concerns, broadly defined. Here, researchers will find publications devoted primarily to religion from a number of denominations, including Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, and Unitarians.

Full-text Revolutionary War Era Orderly Books from the New-York Historical Society

Historical Periodicals and Archives

Orderly Books were the controlling document of day-to-day life in the military, most notably during the Revolutionary War. This collection offers access to handwritten volumes documenting military orders, detailed accounts of troops’ daily lives, movements and engagements by brigade, regiment, company and other specific military units between 1748 and 1817.

Indexes with Abstracts RILM Abstracts of Music Literature


RILM features a wealth of content covering traditional music, popular music and classical music. Updated monthly, the database includes coverage of relevant articles from not only thousands of journals, but also essay collections, conference proceedings, critical editions of music, digital media, dissertations, monographs, online resources, reference materials, reviews, and technical drawings of instruments.

Full-text Rosetta Stone

Recognized as a leader in technology-based language learning, Rosetta Stone offers libraries and their patrons access to level one of their proven immersion method of all languages.  Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Databases starting with S

Full-text Science Direct

Athletic Training, Biology, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Cognitive Science, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Physics, Psychology, Public Health , Statistics

From foundational science to new and novel research, SD offers a large collection of books and journals covering a range of disciplines, from the theoretical to the applied.

Full-text Science Reference Center


A research database providing easy access to a wealth of full-text, science-oriented content. Designed to meet student researcher's needs, Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other reliable sources. In addition, the database includes a vast collection of images from sources such as UPI, Getty, NASA, National Geographic and the Nature Picture Library. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Full-text Scientific Periodicals, 1771-1901

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection contains over 210 publications related chiefly to the hard science disciplines, such as mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, physics, and geology. It also contains a small number of social sciences titles and literary magazines with scientific content.

Indexes SciFinder

Chemistry, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Science, Physics, Statistics

SciFinder is a research discovery tool that allows you to explore the CAS (American Chemical Society) databases that contain literature from many scientific disciplines including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, materials science, agricultural science, and more! First-time users must register to use this database. To register, select New SciFinder User Registration on your first visit to create a unique ID and password. Don't forget to logout when you are done searching.

Partial Full-text Scitation

Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics

Developed by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Publishing, Scitation allows researchers easy access to journals in the physical and applied sciences.  Researchers can find access to AIP journals that UE subscribes to plus much more.

Indexes with Abstracts Short Story Index

Creative Writing, Literature

Provides detailed indexing for hundreds of thousands of short stories, this database is an essential resource for readers seeking short stories by author or genre, and for those researching the body of work of a particular literary figure. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Full-text Slavery and Abolition, 1789-1887

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This historic collection chronicles the African American experience during the 19th century and depicts the ongoing struggles of abolitionists to end slavery in the United States and the response from people who supported slavery for economic and cultural reasons.

Full-text SOCARXIV

Criminal Justice , Sociology

SocArXiv announces a partnership with the Center for Open Science to develop a free, open access, open source archive for social science research. The initiative responds to growing recognition of the need for faster, open sharing of research on a truly open access platform for the social sciences. Papers on SocArXiv will be permanently available and free to the public.

Full-text Social Sciences Full Text


Social Sciences Full Text provides sources covering a wide array of subjects, including addiction studies, ethics, public welfare, urban studies and more. Covering the latest concepts, theories and methods from both applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences, this full-text resource provides access to the most important English-language social science journals. Access to this database is provided through INSPIRE.

Partial Full-text SocINDEX with Full Text

Communication, Criminal Justice , Psychology, Public Health , Race and Ethnicity , Sociology

SocINDEX with Full Text, is the world's most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database. This file contains full text for 235 "core" coverage journals dating back to 1895, as well as more than 500 "priority" coverage journals and 1,040 "selective" coverage journals. It also provides full text for nearly 600 books and monographs, as well as full text for 6,601 conference papers.

Full-text Story Papers, Dimes and Dollar Periodicals, 1828-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives , Literature

In the 19th century, printed materials became cheaper to produce due to technological advances in printing and publishing. This collection reflects the progression of print during the 19th century and contains a vast range of titles that highlight an understudied American literary phenomenon.

Full-text Sunday School Periodicals, 1818-1885

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Sunday School Periodicals, 1818-1885 collection features a broad cross-section of Sunday school literature that was read in churches and at home as well as training and preparation materials for teachers. Subjects covered in these publications include Bible and catechism lessons, music, and poetry . In addition, the collection includes literature representing many church communities covering Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, United Brethren, Unitarian, Lutheran, Church of God, Mormon, and various Sunday school unions.

Catalog Swank

Swank offers recent and classic movies for educational purposes. Login is required. Film purchases are moderated by librarians and available for viewing soon thereafter. Swank has apps available for Roku, Amazon, android and IOS.

Databases starting with T

Full-text Temperance Periodicals in America, 1826-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

The Temperance Periodicals in America, 1826-1877 collection explains how the temperance movement originated through religious and benevolent groups, how it quickly spread throughout the country, and the various kinds of temperance advocated, from calls for moderation to total abstinence.

Full-text Theology and Biblical Studies Periodicals, 1760-1877

Historical Periodicals and Archives

Theology and Biblical Studies Periodicals, 1760-1877 provides a variety of titles that focus on biblical studies and theological reflection, in both lay and academic forms, from a broad cross-section of religious groups and major theological traditions.

Partial Full-text TOPICSearch

This current events database allows researchers to explore social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics. Students can use either the dropdown menus for Current Events or Topics to easily locate relevant articles. TOPICsearch contains full text for over 78,000 articles from 3,000 diverse sources including international and regional newspapers, EBSCO's unparalleled periodicals collection, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, government information and EBSCO's Current Issues database.

Full-text Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism


Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, accessed via Gale's Literature Criticism Online, presents substantial excerpts from the best criticism on the major literary figures and nonfiction writers of 1900 to 1999. Simply enter an author or title and find a wealth of content, while experienced researchers may broaden or narrow their results via cross-searches on names of critics, journal titles, topics and more. UE's current subscription does NOT include the backfiles at this time; only volumes published since July 2010.

Databases starting with U

Full-text UpToDate

Nurse Anesthetics, Physician Assistant

First-time users must create a UE library database account. UpToDate is the premier evidence-based clinical decision support resource, trusted worldwide by healthcare practitioners to help them make the right decisions at the point of care

Databases starting with V

Full-text Value Line

Accounting, Business, Economics, Finance, Logistics and Supply Chain Management , Management, Marketing, Statistics

It provides a wealth of in-depth financial information, intelligently presented both in print and online, plus objective research, insightful commentary, proven price projections, and advanced analytical tools. Through numerous economic cycles, the long-term performance of our subscribers has achieved legendary status.

Databases starting with W

Catalog Washington Post

Enjoy unlimited access to the Washington Post’s expert reporting and analysis from Washington and around the world, including award-winning investigative coverage and editorial commentary, real-time Q&A discussions providing a behind the scenes look at key stories and live-streaming of Washington Post Live events, where top-level government and business leaders, emerging voices and newsmakers discuss the most pressing national and global issues of the day.  The subscription covers 1980-present.

Full-text Women's Studies Archive: Issues and Identities

Historical Periodicals and Archives , Sociology

Women's Issues and Identities provides the opportunity to witness history from the female perspective and offers coverage of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Global in scope, the archive presents materials covering the social, political, and professional aspects of women's lives and offers a look at the roles, experiences, and achievements of women in society. 

Full-text Women’s Periodicals of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century, 1733-1844

Historical Periodicals and Archives

This collection is the first of three containing women's-related periodicals that span the 18th through the 19th century and represent a broad range of subjects and places of publication. This collection, containing over 210 periodicals, spans the Colonial through the Jacksonian Eras, from the 1730s to 1840s. Because almost all of the women's periodicals by nature covered many topics, the titles included in this collection highlight radically changing perceptions of womanhood and ideas about the role of women over this period of time.

Full-text Women’s Periodicals of the Nineteenth Century, 1845-1865

Historical Periodicals and Archives

Spanning the antebellum and Civil War eras, The Women's Periodicals of the Nineteenth Century, 1845-1865 represents a broad range of subjects and places of publications, reflective of the turbulent yet optimistic years of Westward expansion and war for women. Drawing heavily from the temperance and abolition movements, this collection includes periodicals from a number of female authors and publishers who helped to cement the foundations of women's active role in American social and religious movements.

Full-text Women’s Periodicals of the Nineteenth Century, 1866-1891

Historical Periodicals and Archives

As one part of a three-part collection containing women’s-related periodicals, the titles in this collection span the later part of the 19th century and represent a broad range of subjects and places of publication -  from Southern religious and cultural periodicals to Northern domestic and parenting magazines.  This collection includes titles from many women’s general interest and political magazines of this era.

Catalog WorldCat

Archaeology, Art, Creative Writing, Education, English, Ethics and Philosophy, Foreign Languages and Cultures, History, Literature , Mathematics, Music, Race and Ethnicity , Religion/Pre-Ministry, Sociology, Theatre

WorldCat is a massive online catalog that has the contents of most academic, public, special and private libraries in America contained within it.